Kaliman Timber makes food contribution to needy families

KUCHING: Kaliman Timber Corporation Sdn Bhd contributed 80 boxes of instant noodles to non-governmental organisation Hope Place to support needy families under the latter’s care.

Hope Place is operated by volunteers and it needs donations from the public as well as corporate bodies. Currently, 80 families are benefiting from the aid provided by it.

Among the target groups are the disabled, abandoned senior citizens, single mothers with income less than RM500, and families with an average income of not more that RM250.

Hope Place founder Kelvin Wan said an assessment on the applicants or needy families would be conducted in order to review their family and living conditions. The results are finalised within two weeks.

Approval for help is only valid for six months, and reassessment is needed after the validity period.

Hope Place volunteers pay visits to the needy families every two months once each case is approved.

Those who wish to help or contribute can contact Kelvin at 013-567 2775.


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